Are You are Karen?

Are You are Karen?

Someone recently called me a Karen, and for those of you that don't know, in today's "Covid" lingo that is supposed to be an insult. In most situations a person might be offended by such a trendy "diss" but I couldn't help but laugh. Not only does this person not know the years of service I have lovingly put toward this cause they were slaying me about, but I was doing it a decade before everyone got on the bandwagon. I have proudly given over 250 people jobs to people with diverse backgrounds and stories, that make companies great and want to point out all of the Karen's of the world that did the same.

Karin is the HR leader at Z Blinds Co. and has an importance sense of inclusivity and hard work. With her brother Levon Zekian at the helm, they have built one of the most respected businesses in the window covering industry. Karin knows how to spot talent, and has a heart to keep the current team they have learning and growing.

Karen has over 40 years as a business owner in the industry. She started a fashion dress company and morphed it into a window fashions business because of her reputation for fine sewing work and attention to detail. In a region that many would consider a "difficult market", Karen has risen to the top building a dynamic team that has surpassed a million dollars by her brilliant leadership.

What these types of Karen's represent to me is:

  • Hardwork

  • Leadership

  • Determination

  • Visionary

By this definition, I am proud to be called a Karen and encourage you all to follow in their footsteps as what it takes to be a professional.

If you are going to fight for a cause that you believe in, know your facts. Learn both sides and make up your own mind. Don't just become a fair-weather fan because it's convenience for you. Change is hard, don't be lazy in fighting for your beliefs.

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